Embark on a transformative journey of self-assessment and skill development in the "College Transitions" course, designed to equip you with the tools necessary for a successful career or educational path. This online, asynchronous experience is tailored to individuals seeking guidance and preparation for their next steps.
-No prior courses are required, making it accessible to all.
-Work at your own pace without fixed schedules, allowing for self-paced study.
-A desktop or laptop is recommended; studying on a smartphone is not advised.
-Materials: Basic supplies such as a notebook, pencil, pen, or note-taking apps.
-This is a Pass/Fail course, emphasizing holistic learning and personal development.
-College or Career, Where I Do Start?
-Key Transitions in College and Careers
-Key Content Knowledge for Math and English classes
-Key Learning Skills and Techniques
Join "College Transitions" to shape your future with confidence and purpose!
All students meet with an advisor to discuss college and career readiness for future success and are invited to take the World of Work Inventory (WOWI) career assessment.